In the III CEU International Congress of Educational and Teaching Innovation (III-CEU-CIIED), the vocation initiated in previous congresses remains to expand the range of participation, so we have opted for an explicit international dimension.
In this new edition we want to project all our potential in teaching and educational innovation to our educational community, to the society that gives us its trust, and to the global environment in which we develop the tasks of innovation and research.
The aim is to share experiences in teaching innovation in the university environment, but not only those that make use of new information and communication technologies, ICT, but also all those teaching strategies that improve and ensure educational quality. The objectives we have set ourselves are the following:
Basic objectives
To increase the motivation of students of any educational level or area of knowledge towards the learning process, with special emphasis on the adaptation to new environmental conditions and contributions to overcome their limitations and take advantage of new opportunities.
Enrich the human dimension, increasing sensitivity towards the person who learns (students or other groups).
To increase the external projection, in an international level, CEU centers as leading institutions in educational and teaching innovation.
Complementary objectives
To generate within the group of teachers from different educational levels and from different countries, a space for debate, exchange and reflection on innovative teaching/learning modalities.
To cooperatively present, share and evaluate educational innovation activities included in the different areas of knowledge in the different CEU centers.
To promote research in this field, with the purpose of optimizing the offer at all educational levels, particularly at the university level, with the vision and participation of the different professors and teams.
To learn about teaching and educational innovation activities developed in bilingual programs, as a means to promote strategies for the internationalization of different educational centers in different countries.
Share innovations in educational matters in organizational and procedural aspects developed by PAS, managers or PDI.
To propose strategies to consolidate the teaching innovation path already initiated in the different CEU centers.